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     Money Saving Tips on Car Rentals

Book early
Especially if you're heading into heavy-travel season. If you know you're going to need a rental car, book it as early as possible. You may not only lock in lower rates, but you'll likely have access to more classes of cars � including the smaller cars that, for price reasons, are the most popular in the rental fleet.
Avoid Airport rentals
In that previous example, there was also an $11.51 "airport fee." It's often very convenient to rent a car at the airport, but keep in mind that you'll pay for the privilege. If you're on a business trip, many times you can rent a car from your downtown hotel. If you can conveniently arrange a hotel shuttle or public transportation from airport to front desk, chances are good you'll save money taking delivery off the airport grounds.
Book small and bump up
Can you live with a compact model but would like a full-size sedan? Another reason to book early. If the smaller vehicle's unavailable the day you've arranged for pickup, you can request that the agency stick to the price they quoted � but for the larger vehicle that's available. They may only meet you halfway, but it's worth a shot.
Look beyond national chains
Be sure to check out rental car deals available from smaller, regional chains and local independent agencies. They may have lower prices than the big national chains.
Snap up deals on weekend and weekly rates
Some rental car companies offer rock-bottom rates on the weekends, as much as 50% lower than the daily rates offered during the week. "If you have flexible dates, you're better off going on the weekend," Helperin says. And don't overlook specials on weekly rates. Daily rental rates are so expensive that renting a car for five days (and paying the daily rate multiplied by five) could be more expensive than the weekly rental rate.
Get back on time
Your car probably won't turn into a pumpkin, but you're likely to pay for an extra day even if you're five minutes late. Read the fine print and use your cell phone for accurate time.
Beware of hidden fees and extras
If the rental company has to top-off the gas tank after your return, you will pay a ridiculous price per gallon. Always ask that the car be filled up prior to your departure, and then bring it back full of gas.  
There are plenty of other additional charges that can take a nice rate to an ordinary deal very quickly. A weekly rate of $125 showed up recently for a compact rental out of San Antonio International Airport. That's about $18/day. Not bad.  Go to the reservation page, and you learn that taxes and fees add more than $50. There's 10% sales tax, something called a vehicle license fee of nearly $19 and an "arena fee" of $7.19. Now I'm paying more than $25/day. Keep that in mind when you see rates under $20/day advertised.
Tips to Save on your next Car Rental