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   Money Saving Tips on Car Insuarnce

Shop ahead
Before you buy your next car, check on insurance. Many people assume that SUVs are expensive and Neons are cheap. This is not necessarily true. Some companies will increase your liability based on the cost of damages your type of vehicle may inflict � big trucks cause big damage. However, they also rate the autos based on how likely they are to be damaged in an accident, how often they are stolen, and how badly driver/passengers are injured. That Neon (or Jetta or Honda) is going to be a lot more expensive than you think. Many companies will have websites that will give you lists of safe and lower priced cars. (Saturn is a low insurance car because it has dent-resistant doors.)
Assume More Risk
Two powerful ways to bring your coverage down is to assume a higher risk. This is done in two ways. The most dramatic reduction can be realized by dropping your collision insurance on an older car. If the car is worth less than $2,000, you'll probably spend more insuring it than it is worth. The whole idea of driving an older car is to save money, so why not get what is coming to you? Another way to redesign your policy � and save money in the process � is to ask for a higher deductible. The deductible is the amount of money you have to pay before your insurance company begins paying the rest. In other words, you pay for the little dings and bumps and let your insurance company pay for the heavy hits.
Ask for Higher Deductibles
Deductibles are what you pay before your insurance policy kicks in. By requesting higher deductibles, you can lower your costs substantially. For example, increasing your deductible from $200 to $500 could reduce your collision and comprehensive coverage cost by 15 to 30 percent. Going to a $1,000 deductible can save you 40 percent or more. Before choosing a higher deductible, be sure you have enough money set aside to pay it if you have a claim.
Reduce Coverage on Older Cars
Consider dropping collision and/or comprehensive coverages on older cars. If your car is worth less than 10 times the premium, purchasing the coverage may not be cost effective. Auto dealers and banks can tell you the worth of cars.
Insure your Home and Automobile with the Same Company
Buying your home and auto insurance policies with the same company will give you a discount on BOTH policies. Sometimes up to 10%.
Don�t Speed
If you get a speeding ticket, your driving record is shot and your auto insurance rates are going to go up. To keep your auto insurance rates as low as possible, you�ll want to keep a clean driving record and that means driving safely and most important of all -- no speeding!
Avoid Filing Claims
If you file a claim on your auto insurance policy, chances are that your rate is going to go up. The more claims you file, the higher a risk the auto insurance company views you as. Avoid filing a claim and you�ll avoid auto insurance rate hikes.